CHORUS empowers brand protection teams across the globe - providing the data they need to run successful enforcement campaigns.
Our web-based solution provides a collaborative space to collect, share and analyse multiple data sources to drive decisions on real-world threats.
Keeping cases organized is the foundation for a successful brand protection team.
How does CHORUS help?As the volume of infringement cases grows, having case management software in place helps Brand Protection teams run their already stretched budgets with greater efficiency. A web based, central knowledge base allows teams to monitor the progress of enforcement cases as well as collaborate with both internal and external stakeholders. Different levels of access can be customised for both internal users and external agents to ensure users have access only to their cases. Cases are organised with easy drag and drop documents, email and image storage as well as reminder and deadline management for better workflows. We work with clients to create custom fields and product lists to allow for better reporting. Keeping cases tidy helps teams focus on bigger tasks rather than struggling with clumsy spreadsheets or working with software poorly matched for managing enforcement cases.
Data visualizations help communicate compelling messages.
How does CHORUS help?As the volume of infringement cases grows, having case management software in place helps Brand Protection teams run their already stretched budgets with greater efficiency. A web based, central knowledge base allows teams to monitor the progress of enforcement cases as well as collaborate with both internal and external stakeholders. Different levels of access can be customised for both internal users and external agents to ensure users have access only to their cases. Cases are organised with easy drag and drop documents, email and image storage as well as reminder and deadline management for better workflows. We work with clients to create custom fields and product lists to allow for better reporting. Keeping cases tidy helps teams focus on bigger tasks rather than struggling with clumsy spreadsheets or working with software poorly matched for managing enforcement cases.
How does CHORUS help?As the volume of infringement cases grows, having case management software in place helps Brand Protection teams run their already stretched budgets with greater efficiency. A web based, central knowledge base allows teams to monitor the progress of enforcement cases as well as collaborate with both internal and external stakeholders. Different levels of access can be customised for both internal users and external agents to ensure users have access only to their cases. Cases are organised with easy drag and drop documents, email and image storage as well as reminder and deadline management for better workflows. We work with clients to create custom fields and product lists to allow for better reporting. Keeping cases tidy helps teams focus on bigger tasks rather than struggling with clumsy spreadsheets or working with software poorly matched for managing enforcement cases.
A deep understanding of the evolving competitive landscape is necessary to deliver successful enforcement outcomes.
Quick and clear reporting is a critical aspect of a brand protection team's engagement with the wider business and external stakeholders.
How does CHORUS help?As the volume of infringement cases grows, having case management software in place helps Brand Protection teams run their already stretched budgets with greater efficiency. A web based, central knowledge base allows teams to monitor the progress of enforcement cases as well as collaborate with both internal and external stakeholders. Different levels of access can be customised for both internal users and external agents to ensure users have access only to their cases. Cases are organised with easy drag and drop documents, email and image storage as well as reminder and deadline management for better workflows. We work with clients to create custom fields and product lists to allow for better reporting. Keeping cases tidy helps teams focus on bigger tasks rather than struggling with clumsy spreadsheets or working with software poorly matched for managing enforcement cases.
CHORUS offers a scalable pricing solution suitable for both SMEs grappling with global threats and major multi-national brand protection teams working across multiple locations.
Backed by a team of Rouse experts, we are also able to offer data entry support, bespoke reporting and data analytics to further support brand protection teams.
Please contact chorusenquiries@rouse.com and we will respond with a detailed price quote.